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HomeExecutive Board

Executive Board

The Executive Board consists of the elected officers including the President, Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Secretary-Treasurer-Elect. Only the immediate Past-President may serve as a voting member of the Board, and other Past-Presidents may serve as honorary, non-voting members of the Executive Board, except no more than two Past-Presidents may participate in such meetings.

Current Executive Board

Mark Lott

Šárka Turecká-Brown, Psy.D., President

Mark Lott

Past President, Emily LaDigue, Ph.D.


President-Elect, Audrey Cecil, Ph.D.

Molly headshot

Secretary Treasurer, Molly Mclaren, Ph.D.

Mark Lott

Secretary-Treasurer-Elect, Mark Lott, Ph.D.

Mark Lott

Student Representative, Karla Rivera Figueroa, Ph.D.