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2022 Spring Event

Ryan Schroeder, PsyD, ABPP-CN

  • Identifying, explaining, and managing noncredible neuropsychological presentations in clinical practice

Kevin Duff, PhD, ABPP-CN

  • The incredibly complex world of reliable change made surprisingly simple

2021 Fall Event

Christopher Domen, PhD, ABPP

  • The acute and non-acute effects of cannabis use on cognition and implications for neuropsychological assessment of neurological disorders and syndromes.

Jacobus Donders, PhD, ABPP

  • Lifespan Neuropsychology

2021 Spring Event

Doug Bodin, PsyD, ABPP

  • Providing Competency Based Supervision in Clinical Neuropsychology

2020 Fall Event

C. Munro Cullum, PhD, ABPP

  • Telehealth Meets Neuropsychology
  • Concussion: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Long-Term Outcomes

Past Conferences

Each spring, CNS proudly hosts an all-day neuropsychological conference featuring a nationally renowned speaker. Below are some of the past conference speakers.


Jim Grigsby – PhD, ABPP

  • Cancer Chemotherapy, Cognition, and the Gut-Brain Axis


Karen Postal, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

  • Feedback and Testimony That Sticks: The art of vivid, accessible communication with patients, colleagues, and the courts

David Baker, Psy.D., ABPP-CN

  • Performance and Symptom Validity Assessment of Children and Teens: Emerging Research to Clinical Practice

Samantha Holden, M.D., M.S.

  • Lewy Who? An Update on Lewy Body Dementias

Robin L. Peterson, Ph.D., ABPP

  • How specific are learning disabilities? Clues from the neural, etiologic, cognitive, and behavioral levels of analysis


Joanna Jacobus, Ph.D.

  • Cannabis and the Developing Brain: What Does the Evidence Say?

Brianne Bettcher, Ph.D.

  • Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia: Biomarkers and Clinical Phenotyping


Robert Glidewell, Psy.D., CBSM

  • Chronic Insomnia: Evolving Pharmacologic and Non-Pharmacologic Treatment Options

Yakeel T. Quiroz, Ph.D

  • Neuropsychological Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Individuals Cognitive Brain Changes in Presymptomatic Alzheimer’s Disease

Rose Manguso, PhD, ABPP and B. Thomas Gray, PhD, ABPP

  • It’s Criminal: A Primer in Criminal Forensic Neuropsychology for Colorado Neuropsychologists


Glenn Larrabee, PhD, ABPP

  • “Neuropsychological Differential Diagnosis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury”
  • “Performance and Symptom Validity in Neuropsychological Assessment”

Samantha Piper, PhD

  • “Differential Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder versus Psychiatric Disorders in Children and Adolescents”


Sheri Gibson, Ph.D.

  • “Capacity Assessment of Older Adults”

Matthew Rizzo, M.D.

  • “Car-trek: Warp Speed to Healthcare”
  • “Visual Dysfunction Produced by Focal Brain Lesions”

Ellen Braaten, Ph.D.

  • “Neuropsychology of Slow Processing Speed: Assessment and Treatment”


Thomas D. Marcotte, Ph.D.

  • “Ecological Validity of Neuropsychological Measures”

Erik G. Willcutt, Ph.D.

  • “The need for multiple deficit models”


Christina Meyers, Ph.D., ABPP

  • “Neuropsychological Aspects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment”

Anthony Y. Stringer, Ph.D., ABPP/CN, CPCRT

  • “Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: Performance, Plasticity, and Profitability”


E. Mark Mahone, Ph.D., ABPP

  • “Neurodevelopmental Disorders and the Role of the Neuropsychologist: A Developmental Model and Lifespan Approach”


Dr. Erin Bigler, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

  • “Clinical Neuropsychology, Neuroimaging and Brain Connectivity”


Michael McCrea, PhD, ABPP-CN and Christopher Randolph, PhD, ABPP-CN

  • “Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Postconcussion Syndrome: The New Evidence Base for Diagnosis and Treatment”


Muriel Lezak, PhD, ABPP

  • “Neuropsychological Assessment”


Paul M. Kaufmann, JD, Ph.D., ABPP/CN

  • “The Law, Public Policy, and Practice Standards: What Every Colorado Neuropsychologist Should Know”


Robert L. Mapou, Ph.D., ABPP/CN

  • “Differential Diagnosis of Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults”


Jerry Sweet, Ph.D., ABPP/CN

  • “Forensic Neuropsychology: Fundamentals and Practice”


Alex Caldwell, Ph.D.

  • “The MMPI-2 and Clients with Neurological/ Neuropsychological Conditions”